Opposable Thumbs

Phone in hand and thumbs on keyboard. No, not texting, blogging. I am experimenting with a new blog writing workflow. With a longer commute and more hours at office, my old writing schedule no longer works. I write infrequently and post even less so. Need to write. Solve the problem Michael. The answer is to... Continue Reading →

My World, Renewed

My life is movement, constant movement. I do not heed the growing whisper inside, "Slow down, accept stillness". My movement is our movement and indeed, I focus my blog writing on how we move forward together, in our organizations and in life. We move together and build our capacity to create, connect and contribute. I write of... Continue Reading →

A Place to Write

Where to write was never a question for me. I have a desk at home and everything set up as I want. All very personal with supplies and personal items lined up so. I obsessed to find the right stand to hold my laptop at just the right angle. With wireless keyboard and mouse set, I... Continue Reading →

Half Way There

Done. I completed and won the NaNoWriMo Challenge for 2014! The goal is 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. I reached the goal in 25 days averaging over 2,000 words and nearly three hours of writing each day. This is my first deep-dive into novel writing and I have much to learn, but... Continue Reading →

Bring on November and the Rest of My Life

New routine. 5:00am. Coffee. Feed cats. Outside and down the driveway. Look up. Stars, planets and inspiration. A few minutes pass. I return to the warmth of the house with coffee in hand and cats in tow. I head to my writing spot. I begin. I write. My routine is set.  Few blog entries recently as I prepare for... Continue Reading →

Password Affirmations

"Your password has expired. Please reset your password now."  Most people groan when it is time to change their password at work. These days I smile and welcome the opportunity. For so long I used full words with added numbers and symbols just as we all did. Over the past year I changed my approach to... Continue Reading →

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