Read, Learn and Act

Time to read.  Read and learn.  Read, learn and act. Time to find a new leadership book to read.  I have read and still refer to a number of classic leadership books.  Now though I am looking for something on the cutting edge that speaks to our present days and unclear tomorrows. My search brought... Continue Reading →

The Distance Between Us

Twenty two feet.  That is the distance from my office door to my chair.  Quite a walk.  Presently, I sit in a corner office, but an office move lies ahead.  After several years in large corner offices, I will move to a smaller office, half the distance, door to chair. Yet it is still too... Continue Reading →

Workplace Migration, Caves to Commons

Recently I watched a video detailing an interesting annual ritual conducted at Conover Tuttle Pace, a Boston ad agency.  Each summer everyone in the firm packs up and moves to a new workspace for three months. Each of the 55 employees blindly draws a number and hopes to draw a low number so they can... Continue Reading →

Joy, Serenity, Love and Employee Engagement

Employee engagement, all the rage. Corporate America is all over it starting with Human Resources, behaving as they discovered that next great thing, to senior leaders talking the talk and measuring results. Everyone expecting improvement, big improvement. Yet, no profound change. The level of disengagement for American workers remains high. The Gallup organization, the highly respected polling and... Continue Reading →

Champs and Chumps

I am reading a terrific new book, Give and Take by Adam Grant.  He is the youngest tenured professor at Wharton Business School and apparently full of great ideas.  I recommend you check out his site and learn more about his new book and the man himself. The focus is reciprocity, responding in kind to another person.... Continue Reading →

Starbucks Leadership Lab

This morning while drinking my Starbucks coffee (supplied at work) in my cool Starbucks mug (supplied by me), I read a great article at Fast Company magazine about the leadership practices at Starbucks. Late last year Starbucks held a conference in Houston for nearly 10,000 store managers and 5,000 live coffee plants (more on the... Continue Reading →

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