Be a Guide, Not a Master

Bouncing around my home office ... I do want to call it a studio but have not earned that right quite yet. Opening various books as I explore; not quite sure what question I am trying to answer. I come across some writings from Seneca and marvel in the wisdom thousands of years old.  Words... Continue Reading →

From Managing the Probable to Leading the Possible

I read a terrific article in the McKinsey Quarterly titled "Delighting in the Possible" that presents the case for a shift in leadership that better addresses the complexities of our modern, fast-moving, business environment. The best articles are those that spark a conversation and create a path to deeper thinking and discovery. I invite you to... Continue Reading →

Of Bonfires and Campfires

The executive team reached agreement on the framework and vision for the change process about to begin at their company. The future of the company is at risk due to the changing business environment and new competition. They know it is vital to communicate this new vision to the rest of the organization.  As such... Continue Reading →

Tidal Forces

I stand at the end of Pier 7, a long pedestrian walkway stretching into San Francisco Bay. Fishermen and tourists are my companions as I stare out into the bay, deep in thought. I have much on my mind after meeting with a friend to discuss job possibilities. Organizations now talk of "Change Management" and much of the... Continue Reading →

A Journey to Here

It is time for a summer road trip - everyone into the car, wife, kids and dad behind the wheel.  Early start and we head north.  I look forward to this journey. I want to go there. I need to leave here. Truthfully, I know, there is no there. Forever there is only here and... Continue Reading →

Knowledge, Experience, and Earned Wisdom

Today is my birthday. I stand at the halfway marker. Today I am 50 years old. I said the same thing at age 45. I plan to say the same at 60 years old. Halfway there on my journey. Much to reflect on looking back; much to anticipate as I look forward. I stand here... Continue Reading →

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