Talking Shoulder to Shoulder

"Can we go outside?" I hear this more often from my staff. As the weekly 1 on 1 time comes up, I usually check if my scheduled meeting room is vacant and ready. Too often a previous meeting is running overtime or someone is squatting in the room I scheduled hoping that their possession of... Continue Reading →

“The Holy Grail” of HR

I recently read a great article presented by the Human Resources consulting firm, Human Synergistics.  I am a big advocate for their services including insightful and actionable surveys for leadership and organizational culture.  Back in the day I was fully certified to use their products and  nearly 20 years later still refer to my materials. In... Continue Reading →

The End of Hump Day Wednesday

Why do we work five days a week?   We all grew up with the five-day workweek as standard practice.  We roll into work on Monday, work uphill to Wednesday, then work down the other side of the mountain to Friday afternoon.  Our weekend, Saturday and Sunday, are a time of rest ... well that is the theory.... Continue Reading →

Joy, Serenity, Love and Employee Engagement

Employee engagement, all the rage. Corporate America is all over it starting with Human Resources, behaving as they discovered that next great thing, to senior leaders talking the talk and measuring results. Everyone expecting improvement, big improvement. Yet, no profound change. The level of disengagement for American workers remains high. The Gallup organization, the highly respected polling and... Continue Reading →

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