Don’t Tell Me a Story. Paint Me a Picture.

Organizational Change. Reorganization. Staff reductions. More reorganization. Near constant change. The pace of change across so many industries and companies, big and small, is increasing or does it just feel that way? During these times I focus on my experience and professional understanding of Change Management as a practice to design a structured approach and... Continue Reading →

Empty Bookshelves

latest blog entry from Michael at WeMoveTogether. Thoughts on the books and authors we keep close and how we balance depth and breadth of knowledge.

On the Pulse of this New Day

My day of reflection and rest started with a news headline: Over 8 in 10 Americans believe our nation is sharply split on major issues and over half are dissatisfied with how democracy is working in the US (article link here).  Where do we go from here? With the Presidential Election behind us, we move... Continue Reading →

My Eyes, Your Arms

On a recent cross-country flight I turned on the available video screen ready to watch sitcoms and other filler for the next five hours. I must have packed away my motivation to read, write or do anything of consequence. As I searched the available channels, I surprised myself by selecting the GoPro Channel that ran... Continue Reading →

Opposable Thumbs

Phone in hand and thumbs on keyboard. No, not texting, blogging. I am experimenting with a new blog writing workflow. With a longer commute and more hours at office, my old writing schedule no longer works. I write infrequently and post even less so. Need to write. Solve the problem Michael. The answer is to... Continue Reading →

Thank You Mr. President

He inspired me 20 years ago when I met him; from his inspirational talk to the entire group, to watching him lead by example, and even the stern lecture he delivered to me and my team ... Former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, is a leader. I read a few months ago about the serious... Continue Reading →

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