Seeing Around Corners

On my desk at home, I have an old-fashioned clock with a noticeable ticking sound as the secondhand jerks around the dial. Most of the time the ticking is a perfect match for my writing, with my fingers moving at a similar cadence. At other times I sit still, no longer in rhythm with my... Continue Reading →

Of Stillness and Movement

"Be prepared for your job search to last eight months on average." I heard the words from my Outplacement Consultant, but did not want to believe her. Yet indeed, there is order to the universe and eight months after I began my journey, I have my new job. The universe also has a sense of humor... Continue Reading →

Tony Robbins For a Day

Spring cleaning is in full force in my home. While my wife organizes and adds to an ever-growing pile ready for The Salvation Army, I find myself in full archaeology mode, sorting through the artifacts of my life.  Indeed, I hold onto nearly everything until such day I find the will to let it go... Continue Reading →

Obstruction is in Vain

Who do I think I am? Insisting on my way so. I finally notice the fallen tree that bars my path. Instead of searching for a means around the tree as before, I stop and listen. "Where do you want to go?  What bars you so, surely not me, a mere tree across your path." Indeed,... Continue Reading →

Sitting When I Want to Stand

Yesterday I learned so much by learning so little. Out of work, and searching for work, interrupted by a summons to attend an appointment at the California Employment Development Department. Hey, I am doing the unemployment thing and with receiving funds, comes rules and oversight. No worries, I am earnest in my efforts searching for a... Continue Reading →

Running Late

I have so much to do ... falling behind ... what time is it, heck what day is it?  I am running late.  Nearly three weeks out of work and I have an altered perception of time. Holiday commitments and travel add to my time confusion. No routine or ritual at all. Every day is born new,... Continue Reading →

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