A Photographer’s Eye

The family moved quickly across the Boston Common. Our hotel was on the other side and today this beautiful park was nothing more than a shortcut.   When we walk together, I either blaze a trail ahead or I fall back with eyes wide open. On this day, I walked slowly and fell behind as I... Continue Reading →

A Perfect Shot of Espresso

Authorship.  It is one of the greatest gifts you can give an employee.  The sense of ownership in the craft of work.  It is responsibility. They own a process, from beginning to end if possible, or at least they own a significant part. Yet always something tangible and recognizable. I was first introduced to this... Continue Reading →

Mama, Don’t Take My Kodachrome Away

"It had a great color palette.  Kodachrome had more poetry in it, a softness, an elegance.  With Kodachrome you take it out of the box and the picture is already brilliant." - Steve McCurry as told to Vanity Fair Magazine I remember using Kodachrome film years ago. My pictures were alive with a depth of color. There... Continue Reading →

Start a Meeting with a Poem

I recently listened to a TED podcast featuring poet Billy Collins former Poet Laureate for the  United States.  The topic was the creative process and during the discussion he made a simple statement: Start a meeting with a poem. When we gather together at meetings often we are not centered and focused on the discussion... Continue Reading →

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