Modern Day Jesus

Washing the dishes. My time to slow down, focus on my breathing and where I am, now. I run through the inventory ... body discomforts, mental anxieties, and an aching soul. I do not make the time to meditate as much as I need, but the dishes need to be washed. With warm water flowing over... Continue Reading →

Tony Robbins For a Day

Spring cleaning is in full force in my home. While my wife organizes and adds to an ever-growing pile ready for The Salvation Army, I find myself in full archaeology mode, sorting through the artifacts of my life.  Indeed, I hold onto nearly everything until such day I find the will to let it go... Continue Reading →

Half Way There

Done. I completed and won the NaNoWriMo Challenge for 2014! The goal is 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. I reached the goal in 25 days averaging over 2,000 words and nearly three hours of writing each day. This is my first deep-dive into novel writing and I have much to learn, but... Continue Reading →

Two Roads Diverged

Change consumes me this week.  My two sons stand at a crossroad.  The youngest is off to university life thousands of miles from home; from California to Virginia, worlds apart.  My oldest is off to the midwest in search of gold and self.  Each stands at the "two roads diverged in a wood" as Robert... Continue Reading →

Be A Simple Man

"Mama told me when I was young, come sit beside me, my only son and listen closely to what I say and if you do this it will help you some sunny day". This is the opening line for one of my favorite songs - Simple Man.  It may be a favorite for yours too... Continue Reading →

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