Of Stillness and Movement

"Be prepared for your job search to last eight months on average." I heard the words from my Outplacement Consultant, but did not want to believe her. Yet indeed, there is order to the universe and eight months after I began my journey, I have my new job. The universe also has a sense of humor... Continue Reading →

Obstruction is in Vain

Who do I think I am? Insisting on my way so. I finally notice the fallen tree that bars my path. Instead of searching for a means around the tree as before, I stop and listen. "Where do you want to go?  What bars you so, surely not me, a mere tree across your path." Indeed,... Continue Reading →

Running Late

I have so much to do ... falling behind ... what time is it, heck what day is it?  I am running late.  Nearly three weeks out of work and I have an altered perception of time. Holiday commitments and travel add to my time confusion. No routine or ritual at all. Every day is born new,... Continue Reading →

Password Affirmations

"Your password has expired. Please reset your password now."  Most people groan when it is time to change their password at work. These days I smile and welcome the opportunity. For so long I used full words with added numbers and symbols just as we all did. Over the past year I changed my approach to... Continue Reading →

Make Your Soul Smile

Less than three months to go until the end and a beginning and whatever may come. I focus now on my plan for a new job and how to fit 26 years onto a résumé. I am not alone and together at work we help each other improve our LinkedIn profiles and yes, how to create... Continue Reading →

Career Talk for Young and Old

My kids always come first.  While I should focus on my career and job prospects, instead I focus on the career plans for my children.  As I talk to them about jobs, career choices, college majors and such I find it is helping me with my journey and near-term decisions.  I too have to get a... Continue Reading →

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