Don’t Tell Me a Story. Paint Me a Picture.

Organizational Change. Reorganization. Staff reductions. More reorganization. Near constant change. The pace of change across so many industries and companies, big and small, is increasing or does it just feel that way? During these times I focus on my experience and professional understanding of Change Management as a practice to design a structured approach and... Continue Reading →

Be a Guide, Not a Master

Bouncing around my home office ... I do want to call it a studio but have not earned that right quite yet. Opening various books as I explore; not quite sure what question I am trying to answer. I come across some writings from Seneca and marvel in the wisdom thousands of years old.  Words... Continue Reading →

Taking Flight

Today is an end and thus a beginning. So goes life.  Today is my last day with my Company. Not my choice, but one I accept and fully understand. We were told it is too expensive here in my City touching an Ocean. It is good business to move our work eastward to a new... Continue Reading →

Go Walk the Dog

I remember nearly four years ago leading one of my first department meetings. I was new to the organization, a FinTech start-up with a big open environment, endless snacks, and full of bright and ambitious young workers. My team expected much from me. My work experience alone matched the average age of my staff. I... Continue Reading →

Seeing Around Corners

On my desk at home, I have an old-fashioned clock with a noticeable ticking sound as the secondhand jerks around the dial. Most of the time the ticking is a perfect match for my writing, with my fingers moving at a similar cadence. At other times I sit still, no longer in rhythm with my... Continue Reading →

Scrunched Up Shoulders

"Listen." We know that true listening goes well past audio cues to watching and reacting to people's body language. In one-on-one conversations, it can be challenging enough to "listen" to the body language of the other person, but in a group session such as a meeting, we tend to forget to fully listen and react... Continue Reading →

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