Customer Service (Culture) Fail

Yet another story of terrible customer service.  A straight-forward request by phone to cancel cable service and a customer service representative not taking no for an answer.  Clearly a rouge employee. The company apologizes and will look into it. This past week you may have read about or even listened to the terrible service provided to... Continue Reading →

Truth In Trials

In the excellent business book, Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul we get the story of how Howard Schultz, the founder of Starbucks, returned to the everyday CEO duties in 2008 and lead the turnaround of the company. I, for one, never followed the business side of Starbucks to realize... Continue Reading →

A Perfect Shot of Espresso

Authorship.  It is one of the greatest gifts you can give an employee.  The sense of ownership in the craft of work.  It is responsibility. They own a process, from beginning to end if possible, or at least they own a significant part. Yet always something tangible and recognizable. I was first introduced to this... Continue Reading →

Starbucks Leadership Lab

This morning while drinking my Starbucks coffee (supplied at work) in my cool Starbucks mug (supplied by me), I read a great article at Fast Company magazine about the leadership practices at Starbucks. Late last year Starbucks held a conference in Houston for nearly 10,000 store managers and 5,000 live coffee plants (more on the... Continue Reading →

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