Engineering and Art

A lack of imagination ... or more accurate, shunning imagination, limits us at work. Imagination fills that sometimes large "empty chasm between noble aspirations and disappointing results."  Managers need be technicians and indeed, artists.  Here is a quote from one of my favorite organizational development resources. "Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership" by Lee G. Bolman and... Continue Reading →

Fly in the Face of Reason, Authority, and Common Sense

What are the influential books from your childhood? Those books that paved the way to a lifelong love of reading and for me, eventually to fall in love with writing itself. What a treat for me to find a hidden article written by one of my favorite authors. A piece of writing that reminds me... Continue Reading →

Password Affirmations

"Your password has expired. Please reset your password now."  Most people groan when it is time to change their password at work. These days I smile and welcome the opportunity. For so long I used full words with added numbers and symbols just as we all did. Over the past year I changed my approach to... Continue Reading →

Balance, Not Stability

I will forever be fascinated by Pixar. I love Pixar's origin story with a fateful sale of the company by  George Lucas to  Steve Jobs.  I define my children's life stages by which Pixar movie was in theaters at the time.  Living near Pixar's studio, I drive by and think of the mysterious Willy Wonka factory and how... Continue Reading →

Workplace Migration, Caves to Commons

Recently I watched a video detailing an interesting annual ritual conducted at Conover Tuttle Pace, a Boston ad agency.  Each summer everyone in the firm packs up and moves to a new workspace for three months. Each of the 55 employees blindly draws a number and hopes to draw a low number so they can... Continue Reading →

The Cult of the Average

Recently I read a study prepared by DDI (Development Dimensions International), a well established training company.  In my training days I was certified in several DDI programs - good stuff. In the comprehensive study, leaders from a variety of organizations reported on the state of leadership development within their organizations.  They identified gaps in leadership... Continue Reading →

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