Labor Day 20/20

A three-day weekend and the mindset that Summer is now over. Bring on the Fall season of sweaters, football, and walking the dog in a dark neighborhood each evening after dinner. Labor Day is anticipated as a day of transition and little else. As a holiday, we celebrate the American worker with a Monday off... Continue Reading →

Leading From The Center

The best way to learn a new language is full immersion. Travel to a new land and day by day learn and adapt. Over time we cease being a stranger in a new land. I find myself after three months of travel less a stranger and speaking with a new tongue with my new company.... Continue Reading →

Work Life Blend

"Work Life Balance" - I never liked this term. Balance implies that we equal out time and energy for both work and our so-called personal life outside of work. We first accept both as separate then focus on adding and subtracting to create a balance. Yea, good luck with that. The math never adds up.... Continue Reading →

From Managing the Probable to Leading the Possible

I read a terrific article in the McKinsey Quarterly titled "Delighting in the Possible" that presents the case for a shift in leadership that better addresses the complexities of our modern, fast-moving, business environment. The best articles are those that spark a conversation and create a path to deeper thinking and discovery. I invite you to... Continue Reading →

Of Bonfires and Campfires

The executive team reached agreement on the framework and vision for the change process about to begin at their company. The future of the company is at risk due to the changing business environment and new competition. They know it is vital to communicate this new vision to the rest of the organization.  As such... Continue Reading →

An Evening with Peter Senge

Last night I attended an evening talk with Peter Senge at Saint Mary's College near my home. If someone asks me when I first discovered my passion for organizational development work, I point to Peter Senge's masterful book, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. That was 25 years ago. I still... Continue Reading →

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