Taking Flight

Today is an end and thus a beginning. So goes life.  Today is my last day with my Company. Not my choice, but one I accept and fully understand. We were told it is too expensive here in my City touching an Ocean. It is good business to move our work eastward to a new... Continue Reading →

Seeing Around Corners

On my desk at home, I have an old-fashioned clock with a noticeable ticking sound as the secondhand jerks around the dial. Most of the time the ticking is a perfect match for my writing, with my fingers moving at a similar cadence. At other times I sit still, no longer in rhythm with my... Continue Reading →

Labor Day 20/20

A three-day weekend and the mindset that Summer is now over. Bring on the Fall season of sweaters, football, and walking the dog in a dark neighborhood each evening after dinner. Labor Day is anticipated as a day of transition and little else. As a holiday, we celebrate the American worker with a Monday off... Continue Reading →

Of Stillness and Movement

"Be prepared for your job search to last eight months on average." I heard the words from my Outplacement Consultant, but did not want to believe her. Yet indeed, there is order to the universe and eight months after I began my journey, I have my new job. The universe also has a sense of humor... Continue Reading →

Passionate Buzzkill

Well that is just bad timing. If I was looking for a job last year all would be fine. The term passionate on my Resume would work. Yet for 2014 passionate made the list for the top 10 overused "buzzwords" on LinkedIn and thus it had to go. That was the first piece of input from... Continue Reading →

Obstruction is in Vain

Who do I think I am? Insisting on my way so. I finally notice the fallen tree that bars my path. Instead of searching for a means around the tree as before, I stop and listen. "Where do you want to go?  What bars you so, surely not me, a mere tree across your path." Indeed,... Continue Reading →

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