Seeing Around Corners

On my desk at home, I have an old-fashioned clock with a noticeable ticking sound as the secondhand jerks around the dial. Most of the time the ticking is a perfect match for my writing, with my fingers moving at a similar cadence. At other times I sit still, no longer in rhythm with my... Continue Reading →

Scrunched Up Shoulders

"Listen." We know that true listening goes well past audio cues to watching and reacting to people's body language. In one-on-one conversations, it can be challenging enough to "listen" to the body language of the other person, but in a group session such as a meeting, we tend to forget to fully listen and react... Continue Reading →

Talking Shoulder to Shoulder

"Can we go outside?" I hear this more often from my staff. As the weekly 1 on 1 time comes up, I usually check if my scheduled meeting room is vacant and ready. Too often a previous meeting is running overtime or someone is squatting in the room I scheduled hoping that their possession of... Continue Reading →

Leadership Alliteration

Play, Purpose, and Potential. A permanently placed Post-it on my desk. Alliteration, both accessible and actionable. A little poetic fun as I write about my recent reading concerning employee motivation and the impact of workplace culture on performance. Authors and Consultants, Neel Doshi and Lindsay McGregor wrote a terrific book on the subject titled, Primed... Continue Reading →

Labor Day 20/20

A three-day weekend and the mindset that Summer is now over. Bring on the Fall season of sweaters, football, and walking the dog in a dark neighborhood each evening after dinner. Labor Day is anticipated as a day of transition and little else. As a holiday, we celebrate the American worker with a Monday off... Continue Reading →

Read the Owner’s Manual

Recently I listened to an interview with a professional photographer as I focus on building my capability for my hobby and creative outlet, photography. As often happens, I made a connection from what I heard specific to photography, to how I can continue to improve as a leader. The professional photographer with years of experience... Continue Reading →

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